Sunday, May 20, 2012

Last Two Days in Greece

When we woke up the next day the passengers were all back and the boat was leaving. It was a nice boat ride, but by the end I couldn’t wait to get away from the other passengers.

We got off at the island Sifnos, the third stop en route to Santorini. I immediately bought a ticket back to Athens for the next day, and after that we went to the closest ATV store and rented two of them for just 15 euros. I named mine Frank and Peter named his Lula. This became the only thing we did on the island. Over the course of 24 hours Peter and I transformed the island into our own amusement park, pressing our vehicles to the maximum speed around dangerous road curves, roaring through small villages, collecting dirty glances from each local passerby, but loving it. 

It wasn’t vacation season yet, so the island was very empty. We stayed in a very nice hotel that night, went to a very trendy bar called Argos where the owner gave us free shots,  and in the morning were excited to get back on the ATV’s. Having spent a whole semester walking everywhere, we were glad to not walk at all on the island. If we were told that a store we wanted to get something from was 50 meters up the street, we drove there. The island was beautiful and we had a great time, but 24 hours was definitely enough time. 

When we dropped off the ATV’s Peter kissed his goodbye. We had dinner by the dock and got back on the boat headed to Athens. We got in around midnight and checked back into the hostel. 

We woke up the next day and went up to the Acropolis and then the New Acropolis Museum. It was awesome to see it after learning so much about it in school.

Peter was just beginning a three week long journey through Europe, and we said our goodbyes and I wished him luck.

I got back on the subway and headed for the airport, thinking how great Greece had been and how I really felt like I had gotten to know the place well after the nine day trek. I’ll never forget it.

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