Tuesday, January 24, 2012

A Couple Brief Announcements with a Trip Down Memory Lane

Well obviously the last two days weren't as exciting as Galway, but there have been a few major developments since yesterday that I would like to share.

Yesterday two very important things happened. The first: I got a new camera (shout out to Mom), so the pictures will begin coming in massive quantities. Second, I am officially announcing that I got an internship in New York City for the summer! I'll be interning for Commentary magazine, so if anyone reading this will be there, please let me know.

I had two classes today: John Milton and John Donne. The professors for both classes are unbelievably smart, and it's going to be pretty challenging to keep up with them throughout the semester, but that's a good thing. The professor for the John Donne class is a well known Irish poet, and is so cool that you probably won't be able to sound out her name and she even has her own Wikipedia page! It should be a great class.

But here comes the most exciting news: I, Brett, have today committed myself to running a 5K race the day after St. Patrick's Day (shout out to Yoni Silverman)! Now I know what some of you are probably thinking--a 5K isn't that hard. Yet if you look at my dismal, pathetic athletic (dare I say) career, this is actually sort of a big deal. I've come a long way since my days as a 5th grade, zero stamina child who ran the mile around the Solomon Schechter track wearing khaki pants I out-fatted in the 3rd grade and clocked in my mile time at a ripe 12:54 minutes (I literally clocked that time, and blamed it on my asthma, which--only known to myself, my parents and Dr. Cahan--was fairly mild and primarily induced by my love handles). I then ditched school on mile run days in the 6th and 7th grade out of utter physical ineptitude, and was given B's in PE on my report cards (shout out Mr. C and Mr. K) . My finest athletic achievement was probably wrestling Freshman year of high school, where I won (count 'em) three matches--one of those was because the other team forfeited on my weight class. Wrestling preceded my career as a pole vaulter (I never got passed the 7 ft mark, then was kicked off the next year when the new coach observed that I couldn't climb the rope) which then gracefully flowered into my next calling as a shot put/discus thrower (all the stereotypes for this field activity are true). Then there was basketball Junior year of high school, where the assistant coach Stu one day toward the end of the season took me aside and asked in an almost paternally sympathetic fashion, "You seem like a nice guy, but why are you here?"***

Recently (about a month ago, shout out to Fairall/Clayburn/Cameron) I have started to seriously get on a running schedule and run treadmill three times a week. In any case, 5k is the Sunday after St. Pat's Day, and if my plans for the holiday go as I predict they will, this should be a fine 5k Hangover race. More updates to come as the training will officially commence tomorrow.

Anyway, that's all for now. Hope you enjoyed that outlined trip down memory lane.

***"I shall be telling this with a sigh/Somewhere ages and ages hence"--Frost. Seriously though, please note that I look back on these memories, though inglorious, as comical and not sad. Those days are over...I think.

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