Monday, January 16, 2012

First Day of School

I apologize for not writing the last two days. I wish there was an exciting reason for why I didn't, but the reality is because we took it very easy. Having spent the last two weeks constantly doing things, we decided to relax and spend most of the time indoors. We went out Saturday night to The Barge, but that's the extent of the excitement.

But now we've hit the real world. School started today and I had one class (which I will be dropping). Before class I spent about two hours at the immigration office getting my student identity card. It is sort of like being in a worse version of the DMV, where the people are much slower and there are fewer of them. There was a funny mix of people there as well. People from literally all over the world who are trying to stay in Dublin to work. I also met some other abroad students who were there. On the news was the story about that cruise ship that capsized. Though it happened a few days ago this was the first time I heard about it and was fascinated. I got my card, finally, and headed back to campus for class.

The class is called "The Book" and has to do with the history of the book from when it began to the present. When finding the class I got that new freshman feeling all over again. I walked into the building, packed with people I didn't know, and the numbering system on the doors is such that I was completely lost. Then the room the class was supposed to be in was moved. There were two other Irish students who were as confused as I was, but we found the room together. I met one of the girls, who in a most eloquent way said that "one who studies at Trinity gets a dual degree in navigation as well." I am still enamored with these accents, and still find myself falling in love with every Irish girl I meet. It's not hard to. Today I heard a lecture on the history of copyrights. I'm dropping it because that would leave both my Fridays and Mondays open for travel, which as an abroad student is very precious time.

After class I met up with my friend Evan and we went to the Trinity workout facility. It's really nice in there, and was also packed. I'm trying to get back on my normal workout routine that I had before Ireland.

After that we went back to Evan's floor and I met two of the other people who live there. One is another exchange student from Penn, and the other is a senior from Belfast. Really great people. We hung out in the floor kitchen for about an hour.

That's basically what happened today--nothing too exciting. Now everybody's starting to talk about travel plans. We're thinking about Galway this weekend.

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